
アウンサンスーチーを庇い立てする。/I defend Aung San Suu Kyi












さらに、仏教徒のロヒンギャへの反発の強さも、知られるべきであろう。貧困の中でロヒンギャが仏教徒に狼藉を働くことがあったことは予想される。それに対して、仏教徒の怒りに火をつけてしまったのだろう。 選挙で政治家が選ばれる以上、国民の大半を占める仏教徒を指導する僧への配慮なしでは、選挙に勝てない。



では、手を差し伸べるべき人は誰だろうか。私は日本もその一つと考える。その理由は、日本帝国は第二次世界大戦中、イギリスと戦うためにアウンサンスーチーの父親を日本の側に取り込み、訓練を行ったからである。 そして、日本帝国は、戦場でも反イギリスの立場をとる民族を利用してきた。日本は民族対立を調停する暇なく、利用してきたのである。私は、今こそ日本はミャンマーに手厚い支援を申し出るべきであると考える。  
I defend Aung San Suu Kyi.

Democratized Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi is exposed to a headwind. In 1991, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize as a leader of the nonviolent democratization campaign. She criticized the military regime and set a democratic state. Islamic Rohingya, a minority ethnic group in the country, collided with Buddhists, and mass casualties and refugees occurred. She has been blamed for its inaction by the Western countries and has been a major agenda at the United Nations. I defend her for two reasons.

① It takes time to integrate the people. Just being late, it is not merely barbarity. ② Politicians are under the control of supporters' claims.

① It takes time to integrate the people. Just being late, it is not merely barbarity
Myanmar has a larger area than France, a country divided between mountains and big rivers. 135 ethnic groups live, many are Buddhists, but also Christians and Islam.

A country now called an advanced country has changed to a modern state through many civil wars. It was cultures, languages and religions that became their identity, but multi-ethnic nations like mountainous areas like Myanmar are difficult to form identity and it is difficult for a unified state to be born. This is a feature also seen in Afghanistan and Caucasus.

The identity of Myanmar is Buddhism, accepting Buddhists who were persecuted in China, education on Buddhism has also affected Thailand. Among them, it is inevitable that the pressure on Islamic residents increases.

The conflict of religion decreases after modern times. In modern times people's interests and economic agents moved from religious and religious facilities to entrepreneurs. In a busy metropolis, people have been increasingly away from religious facilities.

Current Myanmar is just walking the way experienced by developed countries. Just being late. Therefore, industrialized countries should not condemn Myanmar as savage. Developed countries should support them based on their own experiences.

A Rohingya that does not have official nationality is to be expected to be in a state of significant poverty, separated from administrative services. What the international community should do is not to condemn Myanmar but to support both Myanmar and Rohingya.

② Politicians are under the control of supporters' claims.

Myanmar is elected politician in election. However, the constitution of Myanmar has strong influence from the military. "We are protecting Myanmar from foreign forces", giving powerful authority to the military, and allocating seats. And it is impossible to amend the constitution without the cooperation of the military.

In addition, the strength of Buddhist opposition to Rohingya should also be known. It is expected that Rohingya worked for Buddhists in poverty. On the contrary, it probably put a fire on Buddhist's anger. As politicians are elected in the elections, they can not win the election without consideration of monks who teach Buddhists who make up the majority of the people.

Aung San Suu Kyi is faced with the Rohingy problem in the midst of restrictions imposed. It is a mistake to blame her unilaterally and should support her.

Well, I defended her for two reasons. ① It takes time to integrate the people. Just being late, it is not merely barbarity. ② Politicians are under the control of supporters' claims.

Then, who is the one who should reach out? I think that Japan is one of them. The reason is that during the Second World War the Japanese empire took the father of Aung San Suu Kyi to Japan to train himself in order to fight against England and to do it. And the Japanese empire has used ethnic groups taking anti-British position even on the battlefield. Japan has used it without any time to mediate between ethnic conflicts. I think that Japan should offer ample support to Myanmar.

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